I love talking about Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and frequency, even though it can be controversial I feel its a really important area to explore with clients, especially very sensitive ones. Controversy is not necessarily something to be avoided in science, it often paves the way for a deeper understanding on certain subjects. I have had my own experiences with EMF issues which escalated from 2013- early 2016, the experience taught me a lot but that is another story.

What are Electromagnetic fields and why should you care?

In 2002 and 2013 the World Health Organization (WHO) classified extremely low frequencies (ELF) and radiofrequencies as potentially carcinogenic, meaning they might cause cancer (Belpomme & Irigaray, 2020). In 2011, a press release from the International Agency for Research for Cancer (IRAC) classed radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B) due to an increased risk of glioma, malignant brain cancer and mobile phone use (International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2011). This is quite concerning given the amount our society, and our younger generations, rely on technology, particularly mobile phones and wireless devices.

Radiofrequency EMFs are generated electric pulses or signals from the transfer of energy by radio waves, a type of non-ionizing radiation. Radiofrequency radiation exposures can be occupational such as microwave ovens, environmental exposures associated with radio, television and wireless telecommunication transmission signals; or from personal use, including mobile phones (IRAC, 2011). Some people are more susceptible than others, including women (Belpomme & Irigaray, 2020). I tend to view this in light of other often complex underlying reasons including genetics and environmental factors, such as exposures (past and present), which can interfere with nutrient absorption, metabolic pathways, limbic and nervous system regulation. Some people are seemingly the canaries in the coal mine, and perhaps their nervous system is wired to be more likely to sense danger and subtle changes in their environment.

Our cells communicate via electromagnetic signals carried along the cell membrane, there have been noted molecule changes from certain types of exposure to EMFs, including transcription of proteins and enzymatic reactions (Romanenko et al. 2017). There are certain biomarkers present in suspected cases of EMF sensitivity (Belpomme & Irigaray, 2020).

What is Electrohypersensitivity?

This term was first proposed in 1991 by William Rea, in response to the clinical cases he was seeing of illness from exposure to electromagnetic fields (Belpomme & Irigaray, 2020). In France, 2002 intolerance was reported by people using digital cell phones and those located near wireless communication bases (Belpomme & Irigaray, 2020).

I have seen Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) or electromagnetic hypersensitivity or intolerance several times in clinical practice, it can be incredibly debilitating, especially as it is often seen with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) (Belpomme & Irigaray, 2020). It is certainly a recurring theme for this clinic to work with individuals suffering EMF sensitivity to have co-occurring stealth pathogens (including herpes viruses), mould illness, candidiasis, heavy metal burden and chemical reactivity.

Effects experienced due to the reactivity to electromagnetic pulses can include but aren’t limited to headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, issues with balance, fibromyalgia symptoms, memory loss, depression, fatigue, anxiety, skin lesions including burns and changes in cognitive function such as understanding and comprehension (Belpomme & Irigaray, 2020).

So what can you do about EMF sensitivity?

That is the million dollar question, there is no simple global answer, the best solution for relief of EHS is avoidance, this is becoming more and more difficult to accomplish. Due to this I have outlined several potentially beneficial steps to assisting people in dealing with this issue.

1. Get grounded:
Whilst I am an advocate for grounding, I don’t mean just 10-15 minutes of your bare feet on the ground…
I mean getting someone out to assess whether the house you reside in is grounded properly and to assess if there are any electrical appliances that are generating dirty electricity. Poor wiring and house grounding can be quite common, a building biologist who assesses EMFs should have the appropriate equipment to assess your house. There are several products on the market that make various claims around grounding capabilities, some clients swear by them.

2. EMF protective wear and devices:
I generally suggest EMF wear for most people (provided you do not react to them) as whilst there are several devices out on the market designed to be plugged in to attenuate (or nullify) EMFs I have seen some that appear to work and others that do not. I tend to suggest people go on feel for these sorts of things e.g. if you feel less anxiety, less heart racing, less skin manifestations etc.

3. EMF canopies:
Myself and each member of my family sleep in grounded EMF canopies, we have since 2016. I recommend you independently seek out material to make these yourself or check how much shielding the material provides. An EMF reader that is capable of detecting a wide spectrum of frequency range should be used to check the signals are blocked from within the canopy.
It is worth mentioning that it is inappropriate to use any electronic device within a closed canopy or shielded room as the canopy will amplify the emf frequency (it will bounce off all surfaces, amplifying any effects, see below..). 

4. Specific and individualized treatment and care:
There are many elements involved in complex cases, EHS is certainly very difficult to treat based upon western medicine principles, it is due to this I suggest that individuals see a practitioner to really dig deep into their history and all the underlying factors including genetics for support.

A word on shielding paints and canopies:
Any painted surface designed to shield, or faraday cages will amplify any signals emitted from within the room. This means should you need an emf proof room you will not be able to have any electronic devices e.g. phones, tv’s or computers; plugged in or used within those rooms. Additionally electric sockets and lights should also be covered. Most individuals will find it difficult to EMF proof a room to this extent, with most people who require this needing an EMF, mould and chemical proof (or low Volatile Organic Compounds VOCs) room. This is not something I recommend individuals do themselves, this is due to needing to select specific appropriate adhesives and materials. I recommend seeking out the services of someone who has experience and understanding of sensitivities in these cases.


Belpomme, D., & Irigaray, P. (2020). Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(6), 1915. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21061915

International Agency for Research on Cancer (2011). Press release 208 IRAC classifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. Lyons, France.

Romanenko, S., Begley, R., Harvey, AR., Hool, L., Wallace, VP. (2017). The interaction between electromagnetic fields at megahertz, gigahertz and terahertz frequencies with cells, tissues and organisms: risks and potential. J.R. Soc. Interface 14:20170585.


What is CIRS? Part 1